Information About Us
This center supplements the educational process by providing academic guidance, support and developmental instruction. The SSC collaborates to identify students’ needs; to facilitate their physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual development through support and leadership; and to provide resources for faculty, staff, and parents who share their concerns for student success. The Student Success Center serves as a resource for all students—from freshmen to doctoral candidates—in all schools of the University. The SSC also networks with all other campus support centers and functions as a referral base for students and advisors.
The Student Success Center:
- Maintains on-campus referral and academic support information for all students
- Manages a peer-to-peer tutoring class for undergraduate students
- Facilitates accommodations for any student with documented disabilities
- Provides guidance for students who need to have a disability documented
- Coordinates student interventions, providing follow-up as needed
- Provides Success academic advising for freshmen
- Provides undergraduate Academic Probation counseling and monitoring
The Student Success Center at Andrews University is here for to help students achieve academic success. Our team of caring staff is dedicated to helping students reach their academic goals.
Services we provide AU Students:
Academic Intervention (undergraduate students)
° Facilitates collaboration between the student, advisor, facility and support services to help the student
succeed. Student Intervention Form - Click Here
Undergraduate Academic Probation Counseling
° Monitors and intervenes with undergraduate students who need to restore, and maintain, Good Academic
Standing and Satisfactory Academic Progress at Andrews University.
Undergraduate Success Advising
° Academic advising to students who are accepted to Andrews Univeristy, but may need academic support and
skill building.
Accessibility & Accomodations (all students)
° Careful evaluation of disability documentation to facilitate and coordinate apropriate academic and
accessibility accommodations.
Undergraduate Group Tutoring Services
° Undergraduate group tutoring is available free of charge to all Andrews University main campus students. This
support service is managed by peer tutors and provides a safe and structured environment for learning.
Group tutoring is offered in Zoom group and walk-in formats, Monday through Thursday.
Be A Tutor
° Although we accept tutoring applications from all students desiring to become a tutor, we hire on a student
need basis. Students applying to tutor subjects for which we do not have requests, will be placed on a
waiting list until a need is requested.
° For applications please visit the following webpage:
College Success Workshops
° Assemblies or workshops are offered that are dedicated to topics related to college success strategies, i.e.
study skills exam preparation, etc.
For more information, please select from the options in the left panel. The Student Success Center (SSC) exists for the sole purpose of helping students suceed.